
Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat

作品名 Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat eiline_0221english

Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat


Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat 画像1
Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat 画像2
Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat 画像3
Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat 画像4
Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat 画像5
Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat 画像6
Revolution! Orc Castle − Disgraced Battle Maidens in Heat 画像7

Long ago, in the Age of the Gods, there was a country ruled by orcs known as the ’Orc Kingdom’ in the northern most reaches of Europe. The monarch of that country, the ’Orc King,’ was fearfully regard…